Friday, October 29, 2010

Alec's Sesame Street Video Post

two term ratio- compare two quantities measured in the same units
example: a to b, a:b
three term ratio- compares three quantities measured in the same units
example: a to b to c, a:b:c

compares 2 quantities measured in different units
example: km/h
unit rate- a rate in which the second term is one
example: 20km/h
unit price- a unit rate used in shopping
example- $5.99/100 gallon

- a relationship that says that to ratios or rate are equal


  1. Where's your video? You added the defintions and examples which is good but try to add the orignal video and your remake of it so it's complete. Other than that good job!

  2. Good job, on the post Alec. I watched your video on Ryan's post, but you could have posted it on here too !
    I liked how you changed the font colors and sizes.
