Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ratio Song

Group: Cathlene, Lizelle, Olivia

Elmo's Song

Ratio Song


  1. Good post! One thing I noticed was that you didn't have the info on ratios, rates and proportions, but your video was awesome and funny. Good job!

  2. I loved your post, you guys. It was really funny. One thing I suggest, is to do your blog as well, explaining what the words are. But well done :)

  3. Great Post!I just noticed,like what Allison and Nils' said put more info next time.

  4. Nice post Cathlene! Haha, your video was funny. I agree with everyone else, you should have included the definitions of ratios, rates and proportional reasoning. Also, follow the criteria because you had the wrong title.. it should have been "Sesame Street Video." Anywho, it was well done!

  5. Good job Cathlene! I like your video, it made me laugh. Next time try to complete your blog post by adding the definitions of ratio, rate and proportional reasoning.

  6. I like you video Cathlene! it was really funny. Great job
