4.1 Representing Percents.
To represent a percent, you can shade in squares on a hundred grid. A completely shaded hundred grid represents 100%. If the percent is greater than 100 you will have to shade more than one grid. To represent a percent between 0% and 1%, shade part of one square from the hundred grid.
4.2 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Fractions, decimals, and percents can be used to represent numbers in various situation.Percents can be written as fractions and as decimals.
4.3 Percent of a Number.
You can use strategies like halving, doubling, and dividing by ten to finds of numbers.
To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal and then multiply by the number.
4.4 Combining Percents.
Percents can be put together by adding to solve questions.
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